Social and Emotional Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
Language Skills
Self-Reliance Skills
Cognitive Skills
- Aware of own feelings and those of others
- Shows concern for others
- Accepts and responds to teacher’s suggestions and authority
- Begins to enjoy the company of other children
- Begins to engage in small group activities
- Demonstrates increasing independence
Fine Motor Skills
- Scribbles with crayons
- Paints with large brush
- Begins to apply glue and paste
- Strings large beads
- Draws a horizontal line and begins a circle
- Builds a tower of four blocks or more
- Begins to snip with scissors
Gross Motor Skills
- Throws large ball forward
- Jumps on two feet in place
- Walks upstairs and downstairs with support
- Kicks a ball forward
- Stands on tip toes
- Begins to run
Language Skills
- Verbalizes wants and ideas
- Listens to simple stories quietly
- Points to object or picture when it’s named for him/her
- Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
- Uses three-to-four word sentences
- Follows two simple directions
Self-Reliance Skills
- Helps put things away
- Begins to develop some self-help skills (i.e. coats and bathroom)
- Gives first name when asked
Cognitive Skills
- Begins to notice different shapes
- Begins to understand basic physical properties (hard, soft, hot, cold, wet and dry)
- Identifies some colors
- Begins make believe play