Social and Emotional Skills
Work Habits
Gross Motor Skills
Language/Literacy Skills
Self-Reliance Skills
Math and Science Skills
- Respects and shows concern for others
- Accepts and responds to teacher’s suggestions and authority
- Plays, shares, and creates with other children
- Expresses feelings appropriately
- Involved in and sustains in activities for longer periods of time
- Show empathy towards other children
- Begins to negotiate solutions to conflicts by using compromise
- Demonstrates confidence and pride in self through their work
- Identifies expressions of feelings
- Follows 3 step directions
Work Habits
- Follows routines independently
- Follows directions
- Works alone appropriately
- Works well in small groups
- Does not disturb classmates'work
- Seeks only fair share of teacher's attention
- Works neatly
- Takes care and cleans up work materials
- Uses crayons with control mature grip
- Applies glue and paste
- Strings small beads
- Draws a human figure with body parts (circle, horizontal line, cross
- Uses scissors with control to cut along straight and curved lines
- Puts together a 10 piece puzzle
- Prints first name in capital letters
Gross Motor Skills
- Throws and catches a ball
- Jumps on two feet in place
- Walks upstairs and downstairs alone
- Kicks a ball forward
- Hops one foot and two feet
- Balances on one foot for five seconds
- Walks a line heel-to-toe for eight feet without falling off
- Stops movement activity upon teacher’s direction
- Moves body creatively upon teacher’s direction
- Claps and marches in time with music
- Responds to rhythms with appropriate body movements
Language/Literacy Skills
- Verbalizes wants and ideas using complete sentences
- Listens quietly to stories
- Responds to a story by recalling details
- Shows an interest in the printed word
- Begins to take turns speaking in a group
- Verbalizes rhymes, songs, and finger plays
- Uses I, you, me, he, and she correctly
- Understands opposites up/down; open/closed; stop/go; happy/sad; slow/fast; hot/cold
- Understands prepositions in out, over, under, on off, top, bottom, in front of, in back of
- Makes relevant contributions in small group discussion
- Begins to show understanding of past, present and future tenses by using proper verb form
- Dictates own experience stories
- Listens, retells and recalls directions for games and activities
- Identifies most letters of the alphabet
- Distinguishes words that begin with the same sound and creates rhymes
- Student proposes alternative ways of doing art experiences, movement activities, and story endings
- Participates verbally and nonverbally in imaginative play or puppetry
- Expands vocabulary
- Participates verbally and nonverbally in imaginative play or puppetry
- Syllable claps up to three
- Recognizes first name
Self-Reliance Skills
- Points to body parts when named
- Helps put things away
- Develops growing capacity for independence in a range of activities and routines
- Verbalizes full name, sex, age, address, birthday, and telephone number
- Continues to develop self-help skills (i.e. toileting, hand wash, putting on shoes and coat)
- Begins to be independent in manipulating zippers, buttons, and snaps
Math and Science Skills
- Points to and names basic shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, diamond, oval and star)
- Shows an understanding of basic physical properties (size, color, texture, weight) by comparing, contrasting, and classifying
- Understands number concepts (when presented with a given number of objects, child can tell how many there are up to six)
- Counts from 1-20
- Show respect for leaving things and the environment
- Begins to understand life cycles and basic eco system concepts
- Demonstrates awareness of numbers and counting as a means for solving problems and determining quantity
- Duplicates and expands simple patterns