Self Reliance Skills
Social/Emotional Skills
Beginning Work Habits
Language Arts Skills
Math Skills
Science/Social Studies
- Says full name, sex, age, address, telephone number and birthday
- Knows right and left
- Recognizes/points to body parts
- Independent with self-help skills (i.e. toileting, hand washing, shoes/coat
- Begins to print first and last name using “Title Case” e.g., John Smith
- Begins to know right and left
Social/Emotional Skills
- Accepts and responds to teacher’s suggestions and authority
- Respects and shows concern for people and things
- Plays and shares cooperatively with other children
- Demonstrates confidence and pride in self
- Expresses feelings appropriately
- Able to negotiate solutions to conflicts by using compromise
Beginning Work Habits
- Follows routines with growing independence
- Follows directions
- Works alone appropriately
- Works well in small groups
- Does not disturb classmates’ work
- Seeks only fair share of teacher’s attention
- Works neatly
- Takes care and cleans up work materials
Language Arts Skills
- Follows a sequence of three simple directions
- Listens quietly with lengthening attention span
- Responds to a story by recalling and answering questions
- Tells the main idea of pictures and stories
- Tells what will happen next in the story
- Retells a story
- Speaks clearly
- Communicates in complete sentences
- Answers some questions
- Is expanding vocabulary
- Contributes to group discussions
- Waits for turn when speaking in a group
- Draws and colors within the lines
- Cuts on straight and curved lines
- Holds pencil correctly
- Recognizes and uses top to bottom progression
- Recognizes and uses left to right progression
- Identifies and produces rhyming words
- Identifies likenesses and differences
- Identifies upper and lower case names
- Produces upper and lower case sounds
Math Skills
- Counts 1-50
- Identifies and writes numbers 1-20
- Produces a simple pattern of objects
- Knows opposite words (hot/cold)
- Knows position words (top/bottom)
- Categorizes objects by shapes, colors, sizes, textures
- Associates numbers with members of a set
- Begins to understand the concept of adding and subtracting
- Identifies and draws shapes (triangle, square, rectangle, circle, oval, diamond, heart, and cross)
- Measures with non-standard objects e.g., ruler, pan balance, blocks, classroom objects)
Science/Social Studies
- Makes predictions in experiments
- Seeks information through observation and exploration
- Uses simple tools and equipment in working with the 5 senses
- Observes and describes characteristics, basic needs, and life cycles of living things
- Observes and describes simple seasonal and weather changes
- Identifies similarities and differences in people
- Has awareness of the reasons for rules
- Begins to understand what it means to be a leader